Katariina Metsälampi
in Cuba

From the window of the congress hotel accommodation
The congress was held in the famous Hotel Nacional, which has a sufficiently large hall for gathering representatives from 66 countries. Each country or network had 1-3 official representatives, and there was also room for other interested participants in the background. The congress was a great effort for the organizers, and for the participants, it was a show of solidarity.
Congess opening
ASSITEJ is an international association founded in 1965, during the Cold War, by theater professionals from both East and West. Despite political tensions, these brave individuals from 26 countries saw no barriers when it came to discussing children, young people, and theatre. Today, ASSITEJ has a presence on every continent.

Small size Network
Small size is a network that supports and promotes performing arts for the youngest audiences, ages 0-6. The network has around 100 international members. In the photo are two of its Presidents: Katariina Metsälampi and Roberto Frabetti.
ASSITEJ also hosts other professional networks:
ITYARN – Researchers
IIAN – Inclusive Theatre Makers
Write Local, Play Global – Playwrights
Young Dance Network – Dance Artists
The Congress took 3 and half days
First day
On the first day, votes were cast on general matters using the signs up method because the hall's technology was vulnerable. The hall was usually used for weddings, as can be inferred from the picture. The theme of the day was the 2021-2023 period, and the organization's chairperson, secretary-general, and treasurer each presented their reports. Since 2022, ASSITEJ has received EU network support, which has enabled a lot of regional activities to be organized.
After the board's reports, reports from other groups and networks were heard. In the picture, Katariina presents the report of the Small Size network. At the end of the day, a memorial moment for deceased members was held, accompanied by the secretary-general on the trumpet.

On the second day of the congress, future matters were discussed: The framework for the action plan and potential new projects, as well as the budget, which included a proposal for new membership fee principles and the possibility of new EU network support, which has already been applied for.
Additionally, the candidates for the upcoming board introduced themselves—in the picture, Barbara Malecka from Poland, who is also a Small size artist. The candidate for hosting the next congress, the South Korean ASSITEJ center, presented a plan where all Asian countries would be their partners. On the third day, there were joint planning workshops, and on Friday, May 31st, the election results were announced, and the Next Generation group's manifesto was heard.
The Small size network had several programs
The Small size network included several programs, such as the masterclass 'Thinking about Artistic Creation for Early Years,' led by Teatro al Vacio.
In this masterclass, participants watched performances and engaged in discussions both before and after the presentations.

Children as Agents?
In the research seminar, the Small size network's two-year research project was presented. The project asked theater makers from around the world how they see young children as active subjects in society and how this is reflected on stage. Michelle Guerra, Michail K, Sara Myrberg, and Pawel Galkowski shared their insights and then engaged the participants in reflecting on the topic.
Workshops in Circulos Infantiles
We organized eight workshops as part of the OFF program in Circulos Infantiles in Havana, thanks to the support of Isabel Cristina Lopez Hansen. A total of 103 children and 24 educators participated and thoroughly enjoyed these workshops, making it a wonderful experience for everyone involved!

Children and Artists in Kindergartens (Circulos)
Artists including Teatro al Vacio, Antonella Dalla Rosa, Azalea Lopez, Sara Myrberg, Michelle Guerra, and Marilena Triantafyllidou worked with children in kindergartens (Circulos). Our local host, theatre maker and critic Isabel Cristina Hamse, documented each workshop and plans to publish an article about the experience in a local theatre magazine.
Regional networks organized events and seminars. Here the Nordic-Baltic Jurtta presenting work and small bites and drinks from the Nordic Baltic area. And a group photo of the Swedish participants. On the right the Asian countries are talking about the advantages and difficulties of their regional collaboration and a view on the delicacies of Asian cuisine. The wildest event might have been the latinamareican music, dance and treats- evening… no photos.