join us

If you can see yourself as a smallsizer and you make, produce, study or teach performing arts for early years, proceed as follows:
Fill in the form below and email to info@smallsize.org. The applications are forwarded to the Board of Directors, who make the decisions on membership. If you are successful, when you receive a letter of welcome, you should confirm your membership by paying the entrance fee of 200€ for companies or 100€ for individuals.​
become a small sizer
Use our logo to promote your membership of a global community.
Participate in Small size days
Organise regional events
Information and support
Attend events, masterclasses and workshops
Propose projects to network colleagues
Find partners
Opportunity to participate in Assitej International events through your membership of Small size

benefits of joining
The more time, energy and passion you invest as a member, the greater the return will be to your organisation or individual company. On a national and international scale!
Join us today!

a virtuous circle!